Lessons from the Lesser-Known Bible Characters
Brief Biography:
Jael was the wife of Heber, a Kenite (Judges 4 & 5). The Kenites were related to the Midianites and lived among the Israelites. Jael is known for her pivotal role in the book of Judges, where she killed Sisera, the commander of King Jabin’s Canaanite army, thereby delivering Israel in its struggle against oppression. While Sisera slept, then Jael grabbed a tent peg and a hammer and drove the tent peg through Sisera’s temple.

Historical Background:
– Period: Time of the Judges in Israel, around 1200–1025 BC.
– Context: Israel was under the leadership of Deborah, the prophetess and judge. King Jabin of Canaan oppressed Israel for twenty years.
– Conflict: Deborah commanded Barak to lead an army against Jabin’s forces. Barak agreed but insisted that Deborah accompany him. Deborah prophesied that a woman would claim the honor of killing Sisera.
Learning & Application for Us Today:
– God chose Jael, a non-Israeli lady, to deliver Israel. At times we may feel insignificant, but be encouraged, God delights to use individuals that others dismiss as insignificant to reveal His glory.
– Courage in Adversity: Jael’s bravery in a time of crisis demonstrates the courageous heart for her people and nation.
– Wisdom and Strategy: She used wisdom and strategy to overcome a powerful enemy.
– She took the opportunity to do what God was expecting her to do. When the time comes, we should say yes to God for His task.
– Even when we don’t feel skilled or equipped or prepared, God can still use such vessels.
– Today our battle isn’t against a person. The battle is against the powers of darkness & against sin. Charles Spurgeon once compared Sisera to sin. He asserted that we should not be content to see our sins simply fleeing from us; but by the power of Holy Sirit we should be ready to pursue them and then to drive them radically in to the ground—dead—with a nail, the way Jael did.
_Source: Various articles & life application Bible_