Plan A Visit
You are most welcome to join us at the following location. We recommend newcomers to contact us before coming as occasionally we meet at different places.

Where we meet
We meet every Sunday in the meeting hall of ASK – Anandi Seva Kendra which is 1.5km distance from Nerul (W) Railway Station and a minimum rickshaw from the station.
Getting There
By Car/ Motorcycle
Follow the maps.
Insert “ASK – Anandi Seva Kendra” in google maps.
By Suburban Train
Get down at Nerul railway station.
Exit towards the west side
5-10 mins by rickshaw from the station.
By City Bus
Get down at ‘Uran Phata highway stop’
You can take an Auto rickshaw to the location.

What To Expect
We start at 10:00am by singing praise and worship songs followed by prayers in the form of an open thanks giving session (for brothers & sister, young and old) which ends at 10:45.
After the open worship we dedicate 10 minutes to children as they sing couple of songs, along with a brief message to edify them. The memory verse is recited post the children’s session.
From 11:00 to 12:00pm is sharing the word of God. Initially lead by the elders and then after its open for everyone to give testimonies, edify and encourage. During the time of sharing God’s word, there will be simultaneously Hindi translation.
The meeting concludes at 12:00pm.
After the main meeting is over, we encourage people to stay around for fellowship with brothers and sisters. During this time lunch will also be served.
We have Youth and children’s meeting(Sunday school) at 1:15 to 2:00pm. In a children’s meeting, new songs are thought and children are given a book containing stories and lessons from the Bible. Whereas in the youth meeting, a topic is given the previous Sunday to prepare and share during the youth meeting. Many testimonies and life changing experiences are shared too encouraging the youth family.