Biju Thomas
Gen 3:17 There were three voices in the garden of Eden: God, serpent, human (Eve)
Gen 6:6 God told Noah to make the ark and he obeyed and only 8 of his family were saved from the flood.
Gen 12:1 Abram listened to God when he was asked to leave his country
Gen 16:2 When Abram listened to a human being instead of God, everything went wrong
Gen 37:21 God can speak through others
Deu 8:3: Man shall live on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
I Sam 23:1 David asked God what to do
2 Sam 5:19 David asked God whether he should fight the Philistines
1 Sam 3:10 Samuel learnt to listen to God
Isaiah 50:4 Jesus listened to God
John 10:27 – My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.
– I have to tune myself to listen
Luke 10:39 Mary seated at Jesus feet and listened
Rom 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing from the word of Christ.
We need to listen to the voice of God rather than our own flesh. We need to read and know the Bible so that we know God is speaking. We need to listen even when it is against our will or wishes.
We need to read the Bible carefully so we can hear God’s voice. Acts 19: 14-19: Sons of Sceva misused God’s gift.
Hebrews 3:12: Unbelief will make us not to listen to God. God is still able to speak to us.
Matthew 8:23-27: All living things obey God.
Ephesians 4:32: Be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving each other as God in Christ also has forgiven you
Romans 12:1-3
Present your bodies daily as a living and holy sacrifice. Do not be conformed to the world.
If our hearts are clean, we can hear God’s voice.
It is so important to overcome sin as written in Revelation. There is judgement coming. We need to be serious regarding overcoming sin.
Rajesh R.
We ignore the voice of God but are eager to listen to man’s praise. Romans 6:12-14: Presenting our bodies to God as alive from the dead and as instruments of righteousness. Genesis 12:1-5: Giving respect to the voice of God and obeying His voice.