When we see him – Abraham Isac

When we see him – Abraham Isac 

1 John 3:2-3

  • Mat 24:3 disciples wanted to know his coming
  • 1 Thes 5:2 Jesus will come like a thief in the night

> Jesus said 3 things we have to focus on

  • Readiness Mat 24:44
  • Maintaining a good relationship with one another Mat 24:45-46
  • Faithfulness parable of servants and talents

> Revelation 21:4 God will wipe our tears and there will be no longer death and no mourning

> 2 Peter 3:3-4 mockers will be mocking when Jesus will come

> 2 Peter 3:9 God is not slow about his promise but his patience for us to draw is to repentance

> 2 Peter 3:11-12 live in Holy conduct and godliness hastening his coming

> 1 John 2:28 seeing the Lord with confidence and not shrinking away

We should challenge ourselves about meeting him with confidence we


1 John 3:2-3 when he appears we will be like him

1 John 2:25 he has promised me eternal life

Jude 24 he is able to present us to the father blameless with exceeding joy

1 John 3:21 heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God


Always having living hope, hope drives us to live like Christ

1 Peter 1:3-4 living hope

Cleanse me from hypocrisy


We should have faith in God. Heb 11:6


Do I live in the presence of God always? Do I walk with God always like Enoch?

1 Cor 2:1 Know nothing except Jesus and Him crucified. Faith will rest on the power of God, would not rest on the wisdom of men.

My relationship with Christ is most important.

1 John 2:28 Abide in Him, so we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame.

1Cor 2:9 Things which are impossible, God will make it possible. Not just say the words but live the words.